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1. Basic Principals
2. Change Control
3. Server Environments
4. Network and Wiring
5. Network Security
6. Software Purchases
7. Documenting IT

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In Scope Solutions, Inc. offers a variety of Consulting Services to help you grow your business, increase you productivity and reduce the time you need to spend in the office. We can help you achieve the state where you can focus on running and growing your business as opposed to fighting fires and doing the work yourself. From overhead reduction through employee training to IT Management services. We use tried and true methods to save you time, effort and money. Contact us and Give us a try.
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Information Technology Digest:
Stable Computer Environments
by Wolfgang Blauen, CISSP
1. Basic Principals (continued)

Here are some ideas on how to stabilize your Computer environment:

As implied above, it is likely more beneficial to buy more computers of the same make and model at one time than to purchase them piece by piece over a longer time frame. Buying the computers all at once ensures they have the same configurations. Having different hardware configurations makes it unfeasible to move parts between computers or to replace computers one for one. Many times buying multiple computers of the same type will get you additional discounts and in addition, it is much more reasonable to buy one extra computer as a spare if it is of the same type and configuration as most of the others in the company.

Standardize on a specific set of software on all computers. This is your standard office productivity environment providing all users with the basic software they need to perform their daily tasks. Word processing, spreadsheet creation, Web browsing, sending and receiving emails, maintaining customer data and so on should be prioritized and installed as part of a “default build”. This gives you a standard platform to work off and enhance with job function specific tools like order processing, scheduling, bookkeeping and other production applications.

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