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Server Environments Pg 2
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Information Technology Digest:
Stable Computer Environments
by Wolfgang Blauen, CISSP
3. Server Environments (continued)
  1. “UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply”: Install backup power. Data has been lost numerous times due to power outages hitting at the exact time the computer is writing data to the hard drive and thus wiping out the content. Also, you don’t want to be out of production just because a fuse blew or a breaker flipped. And one of the most important things to remember is that UPS power is battery power. Therefore it will be exhausted after some time and the same thing will happen to your computer if the UPS dies. However, most UPS packages come with computer connections and compatible software to detect low battery conditions, send out warnings on the network and perform a controlled server shut-down to avoid data loss. Buy name brand equipment to have better chances for repairs and in some cases even get equipment warranties that cover your servers in case of lightning strikes and such.
  2. Limit Access: Not all users need the right to do anything they want on the server. Turn off the applications you don’t need (especially on Windows-based servers). Create an administrator login and password protect it. Grant explicit access rights to all users that need to access the server, specifically if you are setting up a file server.
  3. Apply Change Control: (see previous article). Ensure that backups are taken and functional before applying changes. Have a plan for the change. Make sure you know how to reverse the change if you run into issues you can’t fix. Test the changes before you apply them to your primary server. 

There are many more possibilities to stabilize the server environment from automated fail-over through clustering to database replication. Way to much stuff for one article but I promise, I’ll revisit some of them in the future.

(read on ...) 

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