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Financial Responsibility
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Flat Stanley's Travels

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Current Level:
Measuring Finances
Credit Cards
Assets vs. Liabilities


In Scope Solutions, Inc. offers a variety of Consulting Services to help you grow your business, increase you productivity and reduce the time you need to spend in the office. We can help you achieve the state where you can focus on running and growing your business as opposed to fighting fires and doing the work yourself. From overhead reduction through employee training to IT Management services. We use tried and true methods to save you time, effort and money. Contact us and Give us a try.
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This and That:
Learning Financial Responsibility

Invest While You Can

Now you know where you stand and let’s assume for a minute, you have some surplus money. Ever heard of people with holes in their packets? It’s because the money burns them. Seriously, you must start looking at surplus money as an opportunity to prepare for bad times. Most people will hit a period of lower or no income in their lives. If you’ve ever been through this you know how traumatic this situation can be. And after a while your financial state becomes your physical state. You can’t sleep at night because you don’t know how to pay your bills and you can’t make enough money because you’re sick. Eventually the whole thing causes stress and heart problems and puts you in serious trouble. Let me tell you: An extra something in savings to help you pay the bills for the next three to six months can be a powerful sleep aid. You don’t want to miss this opportunity for the benefit of having that new ring or that cool flat screen TV. There is a saying in Germany: “Having it comes from holding on to it”. And there’s lots of truth in that.

(read on ...) 

Copyright (c) 2008 by In Scope-Solutions, Inc. 

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