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Flat Stanley's Travels 10


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This and That:

Flat Stanley's Travel Adventures

Flat Stanley's Journal (Part 10)  

Adventures with Jane and Bob Miller
November through December, 2004
By Sarah and Wolfgang Blauen

December 27, 2004
Two more friends, Yeti (Gerd) and Jupp (Joseph), came over this evening. Miss Jane had brought some hot sauce for them to try. In Germany, they eat chips and “Texacanna Sauce” but it’s not the real thing! The guys decided they liked the “hot” better than the “mild” and that both varieties were better than the Texacanna Sauce. Mr. Bob showed off the progress made in the Party room and we all agreed it will be better when the bar stools are installed. 

December 28, 2004
It’s SNOWING!!!! Miss Jane woke Mr. Bob and me up this morning and told us to look outside. The snow was just starting to cover the pond and collect on the plants. It is so pretty! It snowed all day. Sometimes the flakes were so big they looked like feathers. This reminded Miss Jane and me that we needed to put more food in the feeder for our bird friends. Even though it snowed all day there wasn’t enough on the ground to make a snowman. Maybe there will be tomorrow if it snows all night.
This evening we walked into Erkelenz with friends, Lothar and Silvia, to eat Greek food.

December 29, 2004
I’ve had fun with Miss Jane and Mr. Bob, but I’m starting to get homesick. Better make a list of the things I will miss when I’m back home with Charlotte.
     Having afternoon coffee with cookies or cake
     Drinking water with bubbles in it (most Germans don’t drink tap water)
     Waving to people as they drive their small cars (hardly any SUVs here)
     Driving FAST on the Autobahn
     Hearing a foreign language (I can speak German – Guten Tag! that’s Good Day)
     Eating lots of great German food
     Seeing trees, farms and old buildings everywhere
     Working with Mr. Bob and Miss Jane in the Party room
     Lighting sparklers at the Millers Christmas day
     Sitting in front of a warm fire (at a safe distance!)
     Laughing at ‘The Grinch’ movie with Miss Jane’s family 
     Watching Dragon wave at the cars during the trip
     Being able to see a long distance since its sooo flat (like me!)
     Helping Mr. Bob and Miss Jane finish their remodeling 
     Shopping in the big malls 
     Visiting the Christmas Craft show with “The Girls”
     Most of all, I’ll miss my new friends. 

This travel journal will help me remember all the fun and adventures we had!

December 30, 2004
I’m going Home! Too bad I can’t stay for the New Year’s Eve party. Mr. Bob and Miss Jane are going to shoot off lots of fireworks at midnight. Maybe I can see them if I look out the window of the airplane.
Good-bye Millers! Auf Weidersehen! I had a great time visiting you. I’m trying not to cry because it makes my face soggy. 

Can’t wait to see you, Charlotte!

What new adventures are waiting for me??

The End

Copyright (c) 2008 by In Scope-Solutions, Inc. 

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