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Flat Stanley's Travels 10


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This and That:

Flat Stanley's Travel Adventures

Flat Stanley's Journal (Part 9)  

Adventures with Jane and Bob Miller
November through December, 2004
By Sarah and Wolfgang Blauen

December 24, 2004
We took a walk around a new development area near the house. Miss Jane and Mr. Bob told me it has changed a lot since they last walked through here. There are lots of new houses and walking paths. The neighborhoods look different than in the States. I was surprised that houses in Germany are built from cinderblocks and concrete instead of wooden frames and sheetrock. Mr. Bob said this is because the houses need to be able to handle the harsh weather conditions and its more energy efficient. The streets are made from asphalt with brick paved sidewalks in most areas — it looks really neat! A majority of the houses have very small front gardens (not grass!) with most of the lot in the back-yard. People do this because land is expensive and they want to maximize the use they get from it. During the summer, people like to have cook-outs and spend the evening with friends in the backyard. It’s too cold for that now!
Miss Jane and I made yummy Peanut Brittle after our walk. We’re taking it to “Christmas at the Millers” tomorrow. This is an American candy for the German family to try. Mr. Bob likes it a lot. Wonder if the others will?!? After dinner, I met a girl. She is a real angel!!!

December 25, 2004
Frohe Weihnachten! Merry Christmas! This morning we had breakfast and then opened some presents. I could hardly wait for breakfast to be over. Mr. Bob got a really neat book on drought tolerant plants. That will be helpful in Plano since there isn’t as much rain as in Germany! Miss Jane got some perfume - is she ever going to smell good! When we finished opening gifts, we got all dressed up in fancy clothes and went to Mr. Bob’s parents’ house for more Christmas fun!
Mr. and Mrs. Miller’s Christmas tree has lights on it that look like white candles. Lucky for me they weren’t real so I didn’t have to be too careful around the tree. When Liza and Stephan arrived, we sat down for another one of Mrs. Miller’s famous Sauerbraten meals. Dinner was as delicious as the last time but she added something new, White Asparagus. It is a traditional German specialty, thick as Mr. Bob’s little finger, very tender and it tastes good. Speaking of good…everyone liked the Peanut Brittle we made, especially Stephan who ended up taking a bag home with him.
Opening presents, what an event! Everyone’s gifts were stacked up in front of them and then the fun began. There were stockings (made by Miss Jane) to search into and Santa sacks (made by Mrs. Miller) to unload and lots and lots of boxes to unwrap. The ribbons and paper were flying. For a minute I thought I might get recycled along with the Christmas paper. After everyone had admired each others gifts and said thank-you, Mr. Miller brought out Champagne for a Christmas toast. Then, Stephan remembered the Sparklers from his stocking and lit one for each person. What a great way to end a busy, festive day!

December 26, 2004
Spent the day resting, cleaning up wrapping paper and just enjoying a quite day!

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